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Solectrac se asocia con Nolan Manufacturing para satisfacer la creciente demanda de tractores eléctricos

Esta instalación de 10,000 pies cuadrados en Carolina del Norte permite que Solectrac escale las operaciones a medida que continúa expandiendo su red de distribuidores en todo el país. Nolan Manufacturing producirá los tractores eléctricos e25 de Solectrac con modelos adicionales programados para producción futura.


WINDSOR, California, 12 de julio de 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Solectrac, fabricante de tractores eléctricos y empresa operadora de Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX), anunció hoy una asociación con Nolan Manufacturing para establecer una planta de producción en la costa este para satisfacer la creciente demanda para tractores eléctricos en todo el país. La instalación de 10,000 pies cuadrados en Denton, NC, amplía el servicio de Solectrac para los clientes de la costa este y refuerza el crecimiento continuo de la compañía en todo el país. Solectrac se asocia con Nolan Manufacturing para satisfacer la creciente demanda de tractores eléctricos Desde la adquisición de Ideanomics en junio de 2021, Solectrac ha crecido significativamente, agregando varios distribuidores en los Estados Unidos, incluidos tres recientemente agregados en la costa este en Alabama, Florida y Georgia. La asociación con Nolan Manufacturing aumenta la capacidad de producción de Solectrac en apoyo de su creciente red de distribuidores. La producción principal en Nolan Manufacturing es el tractor eléctrico e25 de Solectrac, con modelos adicionales planificados para la producción futura. "A medida que la demanda de tractores eléctricos de Solectrac continúa aumentando, estoy entusiasmado con nuestro progreso persistente en la costa este hacia un futuro más sostenible y una agricultura regenerativa", dijo Mani Iyer, director ejecutivo de Solectrac. "Con una planta de fabricación de 10 000 pies cuadrados, 57 acres y tres edificios nuevos, estamos aumentando la producción rápidamente y podremos entregar tractores a los socios distribuidores de manera expedita y brindar servicios más eficientes a los clientes existentes. A medida que alcancemos la capacidad de producción total, se centran en hacer de la contratación y la formación una prioridad absoluta". Nolan Manufacturing tiene más de 50 distribuidores desde Maryland hasta Georgia, con cuatro distribuidores de equipos en Carolina del Norte. Son productores de equipos y remolques de paisajismo con planes para expandir las operaciones de producción y distribución para incluir implementos de tractores agrícolas, junto con la distribución de tractores Solectrac. "Es emocionante formar parte de una asociación que ayudará a Solectrac a satisfacer la creciente demanda de sus tractores", afirma Chris Biesecker, propietario de Nolan Manufacturing. "La demanda de tractores Solectrac está creciendo en la costa este, y estamos orgullosos de hacer nuestra parte para proporcionar al mercado el tractor Solectrac económico y ecológico". Chris ha trabajado en la venta minorista de equipos durante más de 30 años y supervisará las operaciones diarias de los tractores Solectrac.

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Respuestas: 11742

Comunicado de prensa emitido: 29 de agosto de 2022 (5:00 a. m. EDT)

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Energica anuncia Energica Week 2022: una reunión eléctrica de la comunidad global de Energica


Módena, Italia, agosto. 29 de enero de 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Energica Motor Company, una subsidiaria de Ideanomics (NASDAQ:IDEX) y una empresa líder en motocicletas eléctricas de alto rendimiento, anunció hoy que las fechas de la Energica Week 2022 están confirmadas del 5 al 9 de septiembre. 2022. Este encuentro anual de la comunidad de Energica nació en 2021 y ha sentado las bases para convertirse en el principal evento para todo el círculo de propietarios de Energica en todo el mundo. Energica también está celebrando un crecimiento exponencial debido a la afluencia de experiencia y recursos de Ideanomics en ventas, nuevos distribuidores, desarrollo de mercado y expansiones de fábricas y mano de obra.

Semana de la Energía 2022

A lo largo de Energica Week, se organizarán varias actividades para celebrar la marca de la empresa italiana y la comunidad que ha adoptado una fuerte creencia en un futuro eléctrico: clientes, distribuidores, estudiantes, inversores y socios comerciales.

Las festividades de una semana comenzarán con un corte de cinta el lunes 5 de septiembre en la sede de Energica en el corazón del Motor Valley italiano, junto con Ideanomics, la junta de Energica, representantes gubernamentales y socios comerciales y patrocinadores de Energica. Durante este día inaugural, todos los invitados tendrán la oportunidad única de conocer el espacio ampliado de la sede de Energica. La empresa con sede en Módena está duplicando su sede para ampliar el área de producción y las oficinas. Con casi 8.000 m², la nueva fábrica será el doble de grande que la instalación actual.

La rápida acumulación a lo largo de este año pronostica una oportunidad mucho mayor, particularmente con el lanzamiento de la nueva motocicleta verde eléctrica Experia tourer este verano, un diseño completamente nuevo de abajo hacia arriba que ha sido universalmente aclamado por la prensa internacional de motocicletas. Los ejemplos de progreso de este año incluyen aumentos de la fuerza laboral de más del 20 % que permiten la expansión de la producción en 2023 y más allá y un mayor desarrollo en los mercados de los Estados Unidos y el resto del mundo.

Para el mercado estadounidense:

Las ventas minoristas en lo que va del año son cinco veces mayores que el año anterior.
Los nuevos acuerdos de distribución han ampliado la red de EE. UU. de 14 a 25 distribuidores, incluidos nueve nuevos estados: Colorado, Hawái, Nueva Jersey, Nuevo México, Utah y el estado de Washington.
Se han recibido depósitos de preventa por más de dos meses de producción de Experia.
Para los mercados del Resto del Mundo:

Las ventas minoristas aumentan un 104 % en lo que va del año en comparación con el año anterior, con una producción adicional de dos meses para el Experia a la que se refieren los pedidos de los clientes.
Expansión a 95 distribuidores, incluida la intensificación en los mercados clave existentes de Francia, Alemania y el Reino Unido y la entrada en mercados completamente nuevos, incluidos Australia, Europa del Este, Portugal e incluso Pakistán y Nepal.
Energica está bien posicionada para asegurar contratos con autoridades gubernamentales de todo el mundo, lo que les permite reemplazar las motocicletas que funcionan con combustibles fósiles con bicicletas Energica.
Uno de los principales factores de este crecimiento es el lanzamiento de una nueva unidad de negocio, Energica Inside, que apostará por el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías para componentes de propulsión y sistemas modulares de propulsión para carretera, mar, transporte aéreo y aplicaciones industriales específicas. Energica se ha convertido en el primer punto de referencia para vehículos de alto rendimiento y también para el suministro de componentes modulares y unidades de potencia para brindar integración de sistemas para vehículos eléctricos.

La revolución del hub eléctrico Energica se está convirtiendo en un motor para una nueva generación de fabricantes de equipos originales, y eso es lo que Energica Week quiere celebrar.

Las actividades de la semana restante incluirán:

7 de septiembre #StayChargedEDU: La educación y la innovación son los lineamientos de Energica y el mayor legado al mundo. El segundo día de la semana de Energica estará dedicado a la iniciativa #StayChargedEDU, el plan de la compañía para educar e involucrar a la nueva generación de movilidad eléctrica. Escuelas y universidades se reunirán con el departamento técnico de Energica para una discusión conjunta sobre proyectos e ideas.

8 y 9 de septiembre Reunión de propietarios de Energica: la reunión de ciclistas de Energica se llevará a cabo en el hipódromo de Módena para dar la bienvenida a #EnergicaOwners para varias actividades en la pista y al aire libre.

Quince pilotos expertos tendrán la oportunidad de entrenar en motocicletas de carrera genuinas MotoE Ego Corsa dentro del evento de formato Energica Academy. Otros propietarios probarán el recién nacido modelo Green Tourer que Experia lanzó en mayo. Seguirán actividades colaterales para garantizar una "Experiencia Energica" completa para todos los propietarios de Energica.

La historia de Energica encarna varias generaciones de artesanía y madurez tecnológica de la industria automotriz tradicional.

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Respuestas: 11742

Ideanomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDEX) SEC Filing Alert

The following document for Ideanomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDEX) was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

SEC Form 8-K filed on Aug 31, 2022

View all SEC filings for Ideanomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDEX)

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Este portal es un proyecto divulgativo, de acceso gratuito: SON MIS INVERSIONES

Registrado: hace 3 años
Respuestas: 11742

News Release Issued: Sep 19, 2022 (9:55am EDT)

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Ideanomics Welcomes New Chief Financial Officer Stephen Johnston


NEW YORK, Sept. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX), a global company focused on accelerating the commercial adoption of electric vehicles, announced today that Stephen Johnston has been named the company's new Chief Financial Officer, effective immediately.

Ideanomics Welcomes New Chief Financial Officer Stephen Johnston

"I am excited to welcome Stephen to Ideanomics. His extensive experience in finance and the automotive industry makes him an invaluable part of the team," states Alf Poor, Ideanomics Chief Executive Officer. "My belief is that Stephen is exactly the right person to ensure that Ideanomics can consistently deliver on our financial obligations and maintain strong capital discipline as we continue our strategy execution."

Johnston comes to Ideanomics with 30 years of diverse, global experience and will be responsible for the company's financial strategy and activities including accounting, financial controlling, financial reporting, treasury, and tax matters worldwide.

Before joining Ideanomics, Johnston served as the Chief Financial Officer of Dura Automotive Systems, a global automotive supplier. His extensive experience in finance spans manufacturing and automotive engineering industries with national and global companies like Tower Automotive and Nexteer Automotive.

"Ideanomics is a dynamic company with technology enabled product and service offerings aligned to benefit from the acceleration in mobility electrification," says Johnston. "It is an honor to be a part of the Ideanomics leadership team and to be given this opportunity to help the company realize its growth potential."

Johnston is a certified public accountant (CPA) and a member of the Michigan Association of CPAs and the American Institute of CPAs.

Ideanomics is solving the complexity of fleet electrification by bringing together high-performance electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, and financing solutions under one roof. Through its three verticals, Mobility, Energy and Capital, the company provides turnkey commercial electrification solutions for customers, no matter where they are on their electrification journey.

About Ideanomics
Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX) is a global group with a simple mission: to accelerate the commercial adoption of electric vehicles. By bringing together vehicles and charging technology with design, implementation, and financial services, we provide solutions for the commercial world to commit to an EVfuture. To keep up with Ideanomics, please follow the company on social @ideanomicshq or visit: .

Safe Harbor Statement
Any statements contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding the expected timing for the filing of the Form 10-K, the Company's ability to regain compliance with the Nasdaq requirements for continued listing and related matters. These forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects," or similar expressions that involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Any forward-looking statements contained herein are based on current expectations, but are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated, including, but not limited to, risks and uncertainties relating to the failure of the Company to file the Form 10-K on its expected timeline and other risk factors discussed from time to time in the Company's filings with the SEC. These and other factors are identified and described in more detail in the Company's filings with the SEC, including, without limitation, the Company's most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q. The Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements other than as required by law.

Ideanomics, Inc.
Tony Sklar, SVP of Investor Relations
1441 Broadway, Suite 5116, New York, NY 10018 

Theodore Rolfvondenbaumen, Communications Director

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Este portal es un proyecto divulgativo, de acceso gratuito: SON MIS INVERSIONES

Registrado: hace 3 años
Respuestas: 11742

News Release Issued: Sep 19, 2022 (5:00am EDT)

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Ideanomics enhances the availability of Solectrac electric tractors across the United States with seven new dealer partnerships


NEW YORK, Sept. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX), a global company focused on accelerating the commercial adoption of electric vehicles (EV), is pleased to announce that its subsidiary Solectrac is continuing with the rapid expansion of its certified sales and dealer network. For the first time, Solectrac climate-smart tractors are available in Hawaii, Maine, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia. The company also continues to strengthen its position in California with two added dealers. Customers can now find Solectrac tractors coast to coast across the U.S. at 38 locations.

Ideanomics enhances the availability of Solectrac electric tractors with seven new dealer partnerships

"Our growth strategy is working. In just six months, we saw more Solectrac tractor sales than all of last year," said Ideanomics Mobility President, Robin Mackie. "Of course, this is no surprise. Solectrac makes the best electric tractor – it's powerful, quiet, and zero-emission. By expanding our dealer network, we are making it as easy as possible for customers to see, touch, test, and ultimately own one."

The new dealer partners include Bacon Universal Co., Inc. (Hawaii), Bangor Tractor & Equipment (Maine), Beeler Tractor Co. (Calif.), Bill's Tractor and Equipment, LTD. (Texas), Cox Tractor Co., Inc. (Tenn.), N&S Tractor (Calif.), O.P.E. of America, Inc. (N.C.), PowerPro Equipment (Pa.), and Tractor Pros (W.Va.). With the addition of these new dealers, Solectrac tractors are available at 16 dealers across 15 states. Enabled by its fast-growing dealer network, Solectrac has been able to sell every tractor that rolls off the assembly line.

To support its expanding number of dealers and growing customer base, Solectrac has developed a first-to-market, online total cost of ownership calculator called SolecSave. SolecSave provides customers with a clear picture of the total cost of owning an electric tractor vs. a combustion engine tractor and provides information on available incentives and grants to buy an electric tractor. This tool is the latest example of how Ideanomics and its subsidiaries are providing customers with resources to navigate the complexity of fleet electrification, such as WareSmart for warehouse operators in Southern California.

Solectrac is developing several additional new tractor models with plans to introduce the first new model in 2023. The company recently moved into a new, larger facility, which will significantly enhance its manufacturing and assembly capacity once up and running including a well-stocked parts warehouse and service training center. Additionally, Solectrac established a partnership with Nolan Manufacturing to support its growing demand along the east coast. 

Ideanomics is solving the complexity of fleet electrification by bringing together high-performance electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, and financing solutions under one roof. The company views Solectrac's electric tractors as a flagship solution for the fast-growing, high-value off-road vehicle market. Ideanomics is committed to supporting the growth of Solectrac, which includes exploring opportunities to incorporate technology from Energica, maker of the world's best electric motorcycle, into the next generation of Solectrac tractors.

About Ideanomics
Ideanomics is a global group with a simple mission: accelerating the commercial adoption of electric vehicles. By bringing together vehicles, charging, and financing solutions under one roof, we are the one-stop partner needed to simplify the transition to and operation of any EV fleet. To keep up with Ideanomics, please follow the company on social @ideanomicshq or visit .

Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains certain statements that may include "forward-looking statements". All statements other than statements of historical fact included herein are "forward-looking statements." These forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects" or similar expressions, involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, and include statements regarding our intention to transition our business model to become a next-generation financial technology company, our business strategy and planned product offerings, our intention to phase out our oil trading and consumer electronics businesses, and potential future financial results. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and these expectations may prove to be incorrect. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of risks and uncertainties, such as risks related to: our ability to continue as a going concern; our ability to raise additional financing to meet our business requirements; the transformation of our business model; fluctuations in our operating results; strain to our personnel management, financial systems and other resources as we grow our business; our ability to attract and retain key employees and senior management; competitive pressure; our international operations; and other risks and uncertainties disclosed under the sections entitled "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in our most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and similar disclosures in subsequent reports filed with the SEC, which are available on the SEC website at All forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these risk factors. Other than as required under the securities laws, the Company does not assume a duty to update these forward-looking statements.

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Respuestas: 11742

News Release Issued: Sep 26, 2022 (5:00am EDT)

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Ideanomics launches a product design studio to create a new generation of high-performance electric mobility and charging solutions


NEW YORK, Sept. 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Ideanomics (Nasdaq: IDEX), a global company focused on accelerating the commercial adoption of electric vehicles (EV), is strengthening its position as a leading commercial electric vehicle and charging OEM by establishing in-house design capabilities. Ideanomics Design will shape the future of commercial EV solutions industrywide and strengthen Ideanomics' balance sheet by embedding a more cost-effective, efficient, and standardized design process across the organization. 

This image is a graphical rendering produced by Ideanomics Design for Solectrac. Ideanomics owns all rights to this image. Any use of or modification to this image without approval by Ideanomics is prohibited. Please contact Ideanomics to request rights and permissions to use this image.

"Ideanomics Design is our soul. We now have a team of remarkable people with strong automotive and industrial design experience who, for the first time, have brought to life Ideanomics' vision of an all-electric future," said Alf Poor, Ideanomics CEO. "Our design philosophy is about customizable, modular and multi-use solutions. For example, let's transform bus stops into hubs where people can park and charge their Energica bikes and then hop on an electric bus operating on VIA's BEV skateboard technology powered by WAVE wireless charging. That central hub can also use our advanced containerized charging technology to generate and store energy and help power a city." 

Ideanomics recently introduced its three verticals of Mobility, Energy and Capital, each accountable for managing the operational performance of the company's vehicle and charging brands. Ideanomics Design is a change catalyst and integrator, working across verticals and brands to spur creative thinking as well as simplify and standardize the product design process.

For example, Ideanomics Design is developing the physical branding and styling in collaboration with Energica and Solectrac on the design of Solectrac's new range of tractors. Essentially, combining the technology from the world's best electric motorcycle with the styling created by Ideanomics Design to make the new generation of Solectrac electric tractors even better. Ideanomics expects three new tractors to be introduced to the market in 2023 – all created under Ideanomics' new design philosophy.

"During every step of the design process, we are putting the customers' needs first," says Carlos Arroyo, chief designer at Ideanomics. "My team is committed to bringing the needs and wants of each customer into the design process and combining Ideanomics' brands, technology and engineering expertise to create elegant product offerings that provide the absolute best customer experience possible and inspire the digital generation." 

Ideanomics Design is also introducing an innovative, modular design approach to increase efficiency and flexibility across different product categories. This will revolutionize the customer experience, enabling Ideanomics to deliver low-cost, automated manufacturing that allows customers to track and customize their products while they are being built. While primarily focused on in-house work, Ideanomics Design will also generate revenue by providing consulting services to third parties. 

Ideanomics is solving the complexity of fleet electrification by bringing together high-performance electric vehicles, charging infrastructure and financing solutions under one roof. Through its three verticals, Mobility, Energy and Capital, the company provides turnkey commercial electrification solutions for customers, no matter where they are on their electrification journey.

About Ideanomics 

Ideanomics is a global group with a simple mission: accelerating the commercial adoption of electric vehicles. By bringing together vehicles, charging and financing solutions under one roof, we are the one-stop partner needed to simplify the transition to and operation of any EV fleet. To keep up with Ideanomics, please follow the company on social @ideanomicshq or visit .  

Safe Harbor Statement  

Any statements contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding the expected timing for the filing of the Form 10-K, the Company's ability to regain compliance with the Nasdaq requirements for continued listing and related matters. These forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects," or similar expressions that involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Any forward-looking statements contained herein are based on current expectations, but are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated, including, but not limited to, risks and uncertainties relating to the failure of the Company to file the Form 10-K on its expected timeline and other risk factors discussed from time to time in the Company's filings with the SEC. These and other factors are identified and described in more detail in the Company's filings with the SEC, including, without limitation, the Company's most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q. The Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements other than as required by law.

Ideanomics, Inc.
Tony Sklar, SVP of Investor Relations
1441 Broadway, Suite 5116, New York, NY 10018 

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Este portal es un proyecto divulgativo, de acceso gratuito: SON MIS INVERSIONES

Registrado: hace 3 años
Respuestas: 11742

News Release Issued: Sep 27, 2022 (2:33pm EDT)

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/C O R R E C T I O N -- Ideanomics/


In the news release, VIA Motors Sells 2,000 Class 3 Electric Chassis Cabs to Pegasus Specialty Vehicles, issued 27-Sep-2022 by Ideanomics over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that this has been reissued to accommodate new imagery. The complete, corrected release follows:

VIA Motors Announces $170 million deal to sell 2,000 Class 3 Electric Chassis Cabs to Pegasus Specialty Vehicles

NEW YORK, Sept. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- VIA Motors, a leading electric commercial vehicle manufacturer with proven advanced electric drive technology and sustainable mobility solutions for a wide variety of Class 2 – 5 electric commercial vehicles applications, today announced that it has received a purchase order for 2,000 Class 3 VIA electric cutaway chassis cabs from Pegasus Specialty Vehicles. Pegasus will leverage the flexibility of VIA's commercial products to build Type A school buses, electric shuttles, and paratransit buses. Pegasus has a dealership network throughout the United States, including Creative Bus Sales, the nation's largest bus dealership.

Pegasus Specialty Vehicles Orders 2000 Class 3 VIA Electric Cutaway Chassis Cabs

"With our innovative electric commercial vehicles, we can provide an EV solution to not only the bus, shuttle and transit segments, but also to many of the commercial segments," said Bob Purcell, CEO of VIA Motors.

A Pegasus Bus on a VIA cutaway will feature all-wheel drive and industry-leading low floor height and turning radius. Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of the units will range from 12,500 to 14,000 pounds. The electric motors will generate a continuous rated 400 horsepower and will be able to transport a payload of 7,000 to 8,200 pounds within a range of 180 miles.

"Our primary strategic objective is predicated upon bringing new, innovative, and unique bus solutions to the marketplace, and our Valkyrie model on the VIA chassis does just that," said Brian Barrington, president of Pegasus Specialty Vehicles. "Our advanced bodies, mounted on these reliable, fuel-efficient and customizable chassis will truly be a game changer in the markets we're focused on."

Pegasus Specialty Vehicles has an agreement in place with Creative Bus Sales to support the sale and servicing of their vehicles. Creative's national dealership base consists of 23 dealers throughout the United States and Canada. This relationship allows VIA and Pegasus to leverage Creative's extensive service network and long-established expertise in the bus market. Pegasus' total dealer network consists of 56 dealer sales and service centers.

"We're very excited to take on the Pegasus product line, and the timing couldn't be better," said Jason Hohalok, sales manager for Creative Bus Sales California. "Our customers are looking for new and better solutions, and the Pegasus Type A school buses, electric shuttle and paratransit bus bodies on the VIA Electric Chassis provide us with exactly that."

In the United States, there are more than 500,000 school buses on the road bringing roughly 25 million children to and from school. Together, these school buses represent one of the largest fleets in the country and primarily run-on diesel fuel, emitting more than 5 million pounds of CO2 emissions and other toxic pollutants per year. Recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has made more than $500 million in funds available for school districts to purchase clean, quiet, zero-emission school buses.

"VIA Motors is delighted to receive a significant order that will help accelerate the electrification of school buses in the United States and Canada," said Frank Jenkins, senior director of sales for VIA Motors. "As we work with Pegasus and leverage the reach of Creative Bus Sales, the potential to grow VIA's footprint in this segment is strong."

VIA Motors is in a pending transaction with Ideanomics, (Nasdaq: IDEX), a global group with a simple mission: to accelerate the commercial adoption of electric vehicles.

VIA Motors' electric commercial trucks include Class 2 through Class 5 chassis cabs, cutaways, walk-in vans, and platforms with electric drive technology offering sustainable mobility solutions to help commercial customers achieve their electrification goals. VIA's purpose-built commercial vehicles can address commercial customers' needs in multiple applications and duty cycles. The VIA difference is to leverage a true OEM robust vehicle validation process to ensure the company provides a truck that is dependable, that is durable and delivers more than expected.

To view high-resolution images of Class 3 VIA electric cutaway chassis cabs and Pegasus bus applications, please visit .

VIA is a leading electric commercial vehicle company with proven advanced electric drive technology, delivering sustainable mobility solutions for a more livable world. VIA designs, manufactures, and markets electric commercial vehicles, with superior life-cycle economics, for use across a broad cross-section of the global fleet customer base. VIA's vehicles are optimized for each fleet's needs, with intelligent software packages and fleet monitoring systems that are designed to reduce cost and improve operating efficiencies. VIA is a systems-driven company and strives to optimize the total fleet experience, including energy, maintenance, uptime, route mapping and more, with reduced development time and improved quality, driving comfort, energy efficiency and connectivity. Learn more at .

Pegasus Specialty Vehicles is spearheaded by industry-proven leadership, experienced as reputable expert innovators in the school transportation and manufacturing industries. Its management team brings a culture of creativity, flexibility, effectiveness, efficiency, and teamwork to producing competitively priced modern school and shuttle buses that address market needs that have been ignored by existing bus manufacturers. Located in West Central Ohio Pegasus is positioned to be able to service the entire U.S. and Canada from one location. The company provides buses for both school and transit bus industries. The company's leadership is well recognized by bus dealers, school bus contractors, school district transportation operators, and decision-makers who have expressed dissatisfaction with current products that do not provide the features these buyers need and want. Learn more at .

Creative Bus Sales offers dedicated sales, parts, and service departments to help you in all stages of bus ownership. As a family-owned business with experience in the transportation industry since 1980, it's no coincidence that Creative Bus Sales has grown to become the nation's largest bus dealership. In addition, its new and used buses undergo a bumper-to-bumper inspection to help protect customers' investments. Customers further benefit from the company's strong manufacturing partnerships, the largest in-stock inventory, and a nationwide team of experts. Learn more at .

For further information, please contact:
Frank Jenkins, Senior Director Sales, and Marketing
VIA Motors, Inc.
Phone: (574) 780-9045

SOURCE Ideanomics

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News Release Issued: Nov 15, 2022 (8:47am EST)

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VIA Motors and EAVX announce partnership for development of Class 2b Proxima Van


  • The two companies will work to develop Class 2-5 electric work trucks, beginning with a class 2b delivery van.
  • Initial proofs of concept will be available in the first half of 2023.

AUBURN HILLS, Mich., Nov. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- VIA Motors, a U.S. based All-Electric Commercial OEM Vehicle Manufacturer at the forefront of fleet electrification, today enters a partnership with EAVX, the newest business unit of JB Poindexter & Co (JBPCO), to develop a fully electric class 2b delivery van. The new vehicle will be designed and prototyped by EAVX, feature VIA's proprietary VDRIVE skateboard technology and the body will eventually be manufactured by Morgan Olson.

VIA Motors and EAVX are developing Class 2-5 electric work trucks.

"VIA Motors is working to change last and mid-mile delivery with functional, reliable, and durable electric work trucks that are preferred by drivers and have an attractive total cost of ownership," said Bob Purcell, CEO. "By pairing VIA's industry-leading VDRIVE skateboard and EAVX's innovative, walk-in van concept, we view this as the perfect partnership as we strive to develop technology that delivers a smooth, quiet and ergonomically pleasing experience for drivers."

"Like EAVX, VIA is a company centered around innovation and collaboration, and we are thrilled to partner with them on developing the next generation of delivery vehicles," said Mark Hope, COO and General Manager of EAVX. "Since the beginning, we've worked to be at the forefront of the industry by collaborating with fellow leaders like VIA. This partnership is another critical way in which we are transforming the world's largest fleets for a more sustainable future."

Together, the two companies will jointly develop Class 2-5 electric work trucks utilizing VIA's fully customizable electric "skateboard" (low floor) platform, with an initial focus on a Class 2b product. VIA's VDRIVE skateboard delivers a range of features, including a 3-in-1 drive system, the ability to accommodate multiple battery sizes, high cargo-volume efficiency, a driver-forward design that enhances driver view, and industry-leading turn radius and maneuverability.

About EAVX
EAVX, the newest business unit and subsidiary of JB Poindexter & Co, collaborates with the most advanced electric and alternative power chassis producers, allowing chassis partners to focus on their revolutionary and proprietary technologies. EAVX and the individual business units of JBPCO are the integration bodybuilders of choice for chassis producers serving present and future EV and alternative fuel markets and advanced vehicle technology markets. Visit for more information.

About VIA Motors
VIA is a leading electric commercial vehicle company with proven advanced electric drive technology, delivering sustainable mobility solutions for a more livable world. VIA designs, manufactures, and markets electric commercial vehicles, with superior life-cycle economics, for use across a broad cross-section of the global fleet customer base. VIA's vehicles are optimized for each fleet's needs, with intelligent software packages and fleet monitoring systems that are designed to reduce cost and improve operating efficiencies. VIA is a systems-driven company and strives to optimize the total fleet experience including energy, maintenance, uptime, route mapping and more, with reduced development time, improved quality, driving comfort, energy efficiency and connectivity. VIA Motors is in a pending transaction with Ideanomics (Nasdaq: IDEX), a global group with a mission to accelerate the commercial adoption of electric vehicles. Once it becomes part of Ideanomics, VIA can offer a total package that makes it easy for fleets to transition to electric drive vehicles, charging infrastructure and financing.

Media Contacts:
Matt Eul
Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications I EAVX

Derek Larsen
Public Relations I VIA Motors


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Registrado: hace 3 años
Respuestas: 11742

Comunicado de prensa emitido: 15 de noviembre de 2022 (8:47 a. m. EST)


Las dos compañías trabajarán para desarrollar camiones de trabajo eléctricos Clase 2-5, comenzando con una furgoneta de reparto clase 2b.
Las pruebas de concepto iniciales estarán disponibles en la primera mitad de 2023.

AUBURN HILLS, Michigan, 15 de noviembre de 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- VIA Motors, un fabricante de vehículos OEM comerciales totalmente eléctricos con sede en los EE. UU. a la vanguardia de la electrificación de flotas, se asocia hoy con EAVX, la unidad comercial más nueva de JB Poindexter & Co (JBPCO), para desarrollar una furgoneta de reparto de clase 2b totalmente eléctrica. EAVX diseñará y creará un prototipo del nuevo vehículo, contará con la tecnología de monopatín VDRIVE patentada de VIA y la carrocería finalmente será fabricada por Morgan Olson.

VIA Motors y EAVX están desarrollando camiones de trabajo eléctricos Clase 2-5.

"VIA Motors está trabajando para cambiar la entrega de última y media milla con camiones de trabajo eléctricos funcionales, confiables y duraderos que son los preferidos por los conductores y tienen un atractivo costo total de propiedad", dijo Bob Purcell, CEO. "Al combinar la patineta VDRIVE líder en la industria de VIA y el innovador concepto de camioneta EAVX, vemos esto como la asociación perfecta mientras nos esforzamos por desarrollar tecnología que brinde una experiencia suave, silenciosa y ergonómicamente agradable para los conductores".

"Al igual que EAVX, VIA es una empresa centrada en la innovación y la colaboración, y estamos encantados de asociarnos con ellos para desarrollar la próxima generación de vehículos de reparto", dijo Mark Hope, director de operaciones y director general de EAVX. "Desde el principio, hemos trabajado para estar a la vanguardia de la industria mediante la colaboración con otros líderes como VIA. Esta asociación es otra forma fundamental en la que estamos transformando las flotas más grandes del mundo para un futuro más sostenible".

Juntas, las dos compañías desarrollarán conjuntamente camiones de trabajo eléctricos Clase 2-5 utilizando la plataforma de "monopatín" (piso bajo) eléctrica totalmente personalizable de VIA, con un enfoque inicial en un producto Clase 2b. La patineta VDRIVE de VIA ofrece una gama de características, que incluyen un sistema de conducción 3 en 1, la capacidad de acomodar múltiples tamaños de batería, alta eficiencia de volumen de carga, un diseño de conducción hacia adelante que mejora la vista del conductor y radio de giro líder en la industria y maniobrabilidad.

Acerca de EAVX
EAVX, la unidad comercial más nueva y subsidiaria de JB Poindexter & Co, colabora con los productores de chasis eléctricos y de energía alternativa más avanzados, lo que permite a los socios de chasis enfocarse en sus tecnologías revolucionarias y patentadas. EAVX y las unidades comerciales individuales de JBPCO son los carroceros de integración elegidos por los productores de chasis que atienden a los mercados actuales y futuros de vehículos eléctricos y combustibles alternativos y a los mercados de tecnología avanzada de vehículos. Visite para obtener más información.

Acerca de VIA Motors
VIA es una empresa líder en vehículos comerciales eléctricos con tecnología de propulsión eléctrica avanzada comprobada, que ofrece soluciones de movilidad sostenible para un mundo más habitable. VIA diseña, fabrica y comercializa vehículos comerciales eléctricos, con una economía de ciclo de vida superior, para su uso en una amplia sección transversal de la base de clientes de flotas globales. Los vehículos de VIA están optimizados para las necesidades de cada flota, con paquetes de software inteligentes y sistemas de monitoreo de flotas que están diseñados para reducir costos y mejorar la eficiencia operativa. VIA es una empresa impulsada por sistemas y se esfuerza por optimizar la experiencia total de la flota, incluida la energía, el mantenimiento, el tiempo de actividad, el mapeo de rutas y más, con un tiempo de desarrollo reducido, calidad mejorada, comodidad de manejo, eficiencia energética y conectividad. VIA Motors está en una transacción pendiente con Ideanomics (Nasdaq: IDEX), un grupo global con la misión de acelerar la adopción comercial de vehículos eléctricos. Una vez que se convierte en parte de Ideanomics, VIA puede ofrecer un paquete completo que facilita la transición de las flotas a vehículos eléctricos, infraestructura de carga y financiación.
Contactos con los medios:
matt eul
Gerente Sénior, Marketing y Comunicaciones I EAVX

Derek Larsen
Relaciones Públicas I VIA Motors

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Ideanomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDEX) SEC Filing Alert

The following document for Ideanomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDEX) was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

SEC Form 8-K filed on Dec 12, 2022

View all SEC filings for Ideanomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDEX)

Get more information about Ideanomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDEX)

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News Release Issued: Jan 19, 2023 (8:00am EST)

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Ideanomics subsidiary Energica Motor Company achieves a 52% increase in global unit sales in 2022 vs. 2021


  • Future orders in 2022 for all models are up 70% vs. last year. The volume of orders for the Experia Green Tourer already equals half of all 2022 sales. 
  • Compared to last year, Energica revenue from worldwide motorcycle sales is almost up 70%.
  • Entry into the high-value Japanese and Australian markets, with the first motorcycles arriving in Q1 2023.

NEW YORK, Jan. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Ideanomics subsidiary Energica Motor Company, a leading brand of electric motorcycles and system integration for EVs, has reviewed 2022 turnover estimates which show unit sales up approximately +52% and motorcycle revenues +67% compared to the same period of 2021. The company also reports a substantial increase in Pre-Sale Orders across the product range, especially for the new Experia sport-tourer.

Energica's new Experia sport-tourer.

Ideanomics subsidiary Energica Motor Company achieves a 52% increase in global unit sales in 2022 vs. 2021.

Livia Cevolini, CEO of Energica Motor Company, says:
"Thanks to the significant investments and strategy made together with Ideanomics, I am proud to confirm that Energica's 2022 performance shows we are becoming established as a leader in the EV market.

"Our success is ultimately a reflection of our customers' belief that Energica makes the best electric motorcycles on the market. I am incredibly proud and honored by the great feedback Energica received in the first half of the year, especially with the launch of the Experia. With Experia, Energica is rewriting the rules of two-wheeled electric mobility."

Energica's management is looking forward to continuing the momentum into 2023. A cornerstone of the company's long-term success will be Energica Inside, which partners with other OEMs to solve fleet electrification challenges.  Energica has unique know-how in extremely complex electric automotive engineering, enabling all high-voltage battery engineering to be performed in-house. Software, firmware, hardware, and style engineering are also conducted in-house. Energica Inside is now in advance talks with two-wheeler, agriculture and marine OEMs.

Last year, Energica Inside signed a commercial agreement with electric tractor manufacturer Solectrac, another Ideanomics subsidiary, to provide battery pack development, Vehicle Control Unit (VCU) development, and prototype assembly and testing. 

Stronger unit sales were enabled by the company's fast-growing certified dealer network. In 2022, Energica added 15 certified dealers in the U.S. and 33 new certified dealers across the rest of the world. Ideanomics enabled the US dealer growth. New additions in January 2023 brought the total of Energica dealers and importers worldwide to 135 locations. Further expansion is planned for 2023. 

Energica's delivery of 88 Energica EsseEsse9+ motorcycles to the Indonesian National Police for use during the G20 Bali Summit resulted in increased interest in Energica motorcycles from police forces worldwide. The new Experia sport-touring bike is seen as ideal for police use due to its superior weather protection, low-speed handling and the longest range of any electric motorcycle.

Robin Mackie, President of Ideanomics Mobility, says:
"Ideanomics provided Energica with the proper strategic guidance and resources to transform from a pioneering startup with a rich racing history into an industry leader.

One of the foundational projects we are progressing together is accelerating manufacturing. Together, we are in the process of doubling Energica's headquarters and assembly footprint, as well as installing advanced automation solutions. The result will be more high-performance motorcycles reaching dealers and customers faster."

With ongoing support from Ideanomics, Energica is accelerating the disruption of the global two-wheeler market with its high-performance electric motorcycles. The company also provides its technology and expertise to other industries through its Energica Inside business unit. Ideanomics is solving the complexity of fleet electrification, offering fleet operators everything they need to electrify faster, easier and more affordably, all in one place.

About Ideanomics 
Ideanomics is a global group with a simple mission: accelerating the commercial adoption of electric vehicles. By bringing together vehicles, charging, and financing solutions under one roof, we are the one-stop partner needed to simplify the transition to and operation of any EV fleet. To keep up with Ideanomics, please follow the company on social @ideanomicshq or visit .  

Safe Harbor Statement 
Any statements contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding the expected timing for the filing of the Form 10-K, the Company's ability to regain compliance with the Nasdaq requirements for continued listing and related matters. These forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects," or similar expressions that involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Any forward-looking statements contained herein are based on current expectations, but are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated, including, but not limited to, risks and uncertainties relating to the failure of the Company to file the Form 10-K on its expected timeline and other risk factors discussed from time to time in the Company's filings with the SEC. These and other factors are identified and described in more detail in the Company's filings with the SEC, including, without limitation, the Company's most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q. The Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements other than as required by law. 


Ideanomics, Inc. 

Tony Sklar, SVP of Investor Relations 
1441 Broadway, Suite 5116, New York, NY 10018

Theodore Rolfvondenbaumen, Communications Director

Energica Motor Company S.p.A.

Davide Palumbo

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Comunicado de prensa emitido: 19 de enero de 2023 (8:00 a. m. EST)

Energica Motor Company, subsidiaria de Ideanomics, logra un aumento del 52% en las ventas de unidades globales en 2022 frente a 2021


Los pedidos futuros en 2022 para todos los modelos aumentaron un 70 % en comparación con el año pasado. El volumen de pedidos del Experia Green Tourer ya equivale a la mitad de todas las ventas de 2022.
En comparación con el año pasado, los ingresos de Energica por las ventas de motocicletas en todo el mundo aumentaron casi un 70%.
Entrada en los mercados de alto valor de Japón y Australia, con la llegada de las primeras motocicletas en el primer trimestre de 2023.
NUEVA YORK, 19 de enero de 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Energica Motor Company, subsidiaria de Ideanomics, una marca líder de motocicletas eléctricas e integración de sistemas para vehículos eléctricos, revisó las estimaciones de facturación para 2022 que muestran un aumento de las ventas unitarias de aproximadamente +52 % y los ingresos de motocicletas +67 % en comparación con el mismo período de 2021. La compañía también informa un aumento sustancial en los pedidos de preventa en toda la gama de productos, especialmente para el nuevo Experia sport-tourer.

El nuevo Experia sport-tourer de Energica.

Energica Motor Company, subsidiaria de Ideanomics, logra un aumento del 52 % en las ventas de unidades globales en 2022 frente a 2021.
Livia Cevolini, CEO de Energica Motor Company, dice:
"Gracias a las importantes inversiones y la estrategia realizadas junto con Ideanomics, me enorgullece confirmar que el desempeño de Energica en 2022 muestra que nos estamos consolidando como líderes en el mercado de vehículos eléctricos.

"Nuestro éxito es, en última instancia, un reflejo de la creencia de nuestros clientes de que Energica fabrica las mejores motocicletas eléctricas del mercado. Estoy increíblemente orgulloso y honrado por los excelentes comentarios que Energica recibió en la primera mitad del año, especialmente con el lanzamiento de Experia Con Experia, Energica está reescribiendo las reglas de la movilidad eléctrica en dos ruedas".

La gerencia de Energica espera continuar con el impulso hasta 2023. Una piedra angular del éxito a largo plazo de la compañía será Energica Inside, que se asocia con otros OEM para resolver los desafíos de electrificación de flotas. Energica tiene un conocimiento único en ingeniería automotriz eléctrica extremadamente compleja, lo que permite que toda la ingeniería de baterías de alto voltaje se realice internamente. La ingeniería de software, firmware, hardware y estilo también se lleva a cabo internamente. Energica Inside ahora está en conversaciones anticipadas con OEM de vehículos de dos ruedas, agrícolas y marinos.

El año pasado, Energica Inside firmó un acuerdo comercial con el fabricante de tractores eléctricos Solectrac, otra subsidiaria de Ideanomics, para proporcionar desarrollo de paquetes de baterías, desarrollo de unidades de control de vehículos (VCU) y ensamblaje y prueba de prototipos.

Las ventas de unidades más sólidas fueron posibles gracias a la red de distribuidores certificados de rápido crecimiento de la compañía. En 2022, Energica agregó 15 distribuidores certificados en los EE. UU. y 33 nuevos distribuidores certificados en el resto del mundo. La ideanomía permitió el crecimiento de los concesionarios estadounidenses. Las nuevas incorporaciones en enero de 2023 elevaron el total de distribuidores e importadores de Energica en todo el mundo a 135 ubicaciones. Se planea una mayor expansión para 2023.

La entrega de Energica de 88 motocicletas Energica EsseEsse9+ a la Policía Nacional de Indonesia para su uso durante la Cumbre del G20 en Bali resultó en un mayor interés en las motocicletas Energica por parte de las fuerzas policiales de todo el mundo. La nueva moto de turismo deportivo Experia se considera ideal para uso policial debido a su protección superior contra la intemperie, manejo a baja velocidad y el alcance más largo de cualquier motocicleta eléctrica.

Robin Mackie, presidente de Ideanomics Mobility, dice:
"Ideanomics proporcionó a Energica la orientación estratégica y los recursos adecuados para transformarse de una empresa emergente pionera con una rica historia de carreras en un líder de la industria.

Uno de los proyectos fundamentales en los que estamos progresando juntos es acelerar la fabricación. Juntos, estamos en el proceso de duplicar la sede y el espacio de montaje de Energica, además de instalar soluciones de automatización avanzadas. El resultado será más motocicletas de alto rendimiento que llegarán más rápido a los distribuidores y clientes".

Con el apoyo continuo de Ideanomics, Energica está acelerando la disrupción del mercado mundial de vehículos de dos ruedas con sus motocicletas eléctricas de alto rendimiento. La compañía también brinda su tecnología y experiencia a otras industrias a través de su unidad de negocios Energica Inside. Ideanomics está resolviendo la complejidad de la electrificación de flotas, ofreciendo a los operadores de flotas todo lo que necesitan para electrificar de manera más rápida, fácil y económica, todo en un solo lugar.


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Este portal es un proyecto divulgativo, de acceso gratuito: SON MIS INVERSIONES

Registrado: hace 3 años
Respuestas: 11742

Comunicado de prensa emitido: 30 de enero de 2023 (6:00 a. m. EST)

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Ideanomics nombra nuevo director de operaciones y director comercial

NUEVA YORK, 30 de enero de 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX), una compañía global enfocada en acelerar la adopción comercial de vehículos eléctricos, anunció hoy que Robin Mackie ha sido nombrado Director de Operaciones y Macy Neshati ha sido nombrada Director Comercial, con efecto inmediato.


"Con estos nombramientos, Ideanomics está fortaleciendo nuestra estructura corporativa y equipo de liderazgo para que podamos satisfacer mejor las necesidades de nuestros clientes y, en última instancia, emerger como un ganador en el espacio EV", dice Alf Poor, director ejecutivo de Ideanomics. "Robin y Macy tienen una gran experiencia en la industria y cada uno jugó un papel fundamental en la construcción de Ideanomics en una empresa de vehículos eléctricos líder con algunas de las mejores tecnologías y personas de la industria. Espero con ansias sus continuas contribuciones".

Como director de operaciones, Mackie supervisará el desempeño de todas las operaciones en todo el grupo Ideanomics. También apoyará al director ejecutivo y al directorio en la implementación de la visión y la estrategia de la empresa.

En su puesto anterior como presidente de Ideanomics Mobility, Mackie lideró el desarrollo de Energica, Solectrac, U.S. Hybrid y WAVE desde empresas emergentes prometedoras hasta líderes de la industria. También se desempeñó en roles de liderazgo en Express Group y Smith Electric Vehicles, y formó un grupo de consultoría para apoyar el crecimiento de las nuevas empresas de vehículos eléctricos comerciales y los operadores de flotas que hacen la transición a vehículos eléctricos comerciales.

Como directora comercial, Neshati supervisará una estrategia comercial de toda la empresa para Ideanomics centrada en asegurar contratos con clientes de alto valor. Para esto, es fundamental permitir la colaboración entre Ideanomics Mobility, que ahora incluye VIA Motors, e Ideanomics Energy para ofrecer a los clientes una solución integrada de carga y vehículos eléctricos. Neshati también será responsable de asegurar la financiación y las subvenciones del gobierno para acelerar el crecimiento de Ideanomics y las implementaciones de vehículos eléctricos.

Neshati se desempeñó anteriormente como director ejecutivo de la subsidiaria U.S. Hybrid de Ideanomics, donde formó asociaciones estratégicas con Global Environmental Products, Toyota Tsusho y A-1 Alternative Fuel Systems. Bajo su liderazgo, U.S. Hybrid evolucionó de una pequeña empresa enfocada en proyectos a una organización líder en la industria reconocida por sus soluciones probadas de cero emisiones para vehículos especiales. Neshati se ha desempeñado en roles de liderazgo en la Autoridad de Tránsito de Antelope Valley y BYD, aportando un profundo conocimiento a Ideanomics sobre lo que los usuarios finales quieren en una solución EV.

Ideanomics está resolviendo la complejidad de la electrificación de flotas al reunir vehículos eléctricos de alto rendimiento, infraestructura de carga y soluciones financieras bajo un mismo techo. A través de sus tres verticales, Movilidad, Energía y Capital, la empresa ofrece soluciones de electrificación comercial llave en mano para los clientes, sin importar dónde se encuentren en su viaje de electrificación.


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Registrado: hace 3 años
Respuestas: 11742

News Release Issued: Feb 15, 2023 (5:00am EST)

To view this release online and get more information about Ideanomics Investors visit:,-2023

Ideanomics to Announce Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2022 Earnings on March 15, 2023

NEW YORK, Feb. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX) ("Ideanomics" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the release of its 2022 fourth-quarter and full year financial results on Wednesday, March 15, 2023. A press release will be issued at approximately 4pm ET, followed by a conference call with management at 4:30pm ET. The Company's senior management team will give prepared remarks followed by a question-and-answer session. Ideanomics encourages investors and analysts to email their questions in advance of the webcast. Please email questions to



Webcast Link:

Dial-in Number:
(Toll-Free US & Canada): 877-407-3107 or 201-493-6796

A replay of the webcast and earnings materials will be available on the Company's investor relations website:

About Ideanomics
Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX) is a global group with a simple mission: to accelerate the commercial adoption of electric vehicles. By bringing together vehicles and charging technology with design, implementation, and financial services, we provide solutions needed for the commercial world to commit to an EV future. To keep up with Ideanomics, please follow the company on social @ideanomicshq or visit .

Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. All statements other than statements of historical fact included herein are "forward-looking statements." These forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects," or similar expressions, involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, and include the statement regarding the completion of the business combination within a certain period of time, if ever. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do involve assumptions, risks, and uncertainties, and these expectations may prove to be incorrect. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of risks and uncertainties, such as risks related to: our ability to obtain necessary regulatory approvals and other risks and uncertainties disclosed under the sections entitled "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in our most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and similar disclosures in subsequent reports filed with the SEC, which are available on the SEC website at All forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these risk factors. Other than as required under the securities laws, the Company does not assume a duty to update these forward-looking statements.

Investor Relations and Media Contact

Tony Sklar, SVP of Investor Relations
1441 Broadway, Suite 5116 New York, NY 10018.

Theodore Rolfvondenbaumen
Communications Director


SOURCE Ideanomics


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Registrado: hace 3 años
Respuestas: 11742

News Release Issued: May 8, 2023 (7:30am EDT)

To view this release online and get more information about Ideanomics Investors visit:

US Hybrid secures two contracts valued at more than $6 million


NEW YORK, May 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX), a global company focused on accelerating the commercial adoption of zero-emission vehicles, is pleased to announce that its subsidiary US Hybrid has secured two large follow-on orders for electric propulsion systems that, separately, will be used in Department of Defense projects and to power specialty vehicles.

US Hybrid technology is powering buses, street sweepers, port vehicles and equipment and Department of Defense projects.

These two orders, valued at more than $6 million, are part of US Hybrid's robust customer pipeline through the next 12-18 months, which is expected to generate more than $50 million in sales.

"Across the country, US Hybrid's zero-emission, made-in-America electric and fuel cell propulsion systems are powering buses, street sweepers, port vehicles and equipment and Department of Defense projects," says Richard Woods, VP and General Manager of US Hybrid.  "With 24 years of industry experience, the US Hybrid continues to show that we have the right mix of people and technology to get the job done for our customers." 

US Hybrid's propulsion systems are Buy America compliant, built at the company's facility in Torrance, California. US Hybrid has strategic relationships with a diverse set of local and global vendors for components, creating a resilient and efficient supply chain that allows the company to keep its operations running smoothly and ultimately pass cost savings onto customers.

US Hybrid's technology has a proven track record of success. Today, the company's technology is powering zero-emission street sweepers operating in New York, California, Washington, D.C. and Tokyo, Japan, buses operating in Hawaii, Ohio, and New York, and rubber tire gantry cranes and top pick stacker units operating at the Port of Los Angeles.

With more than 24 years of experience, US Hybrid is a leader in designing, developing and manufacturing hydrogen-electric and battery-electric zero-emission propulsion systems and power conversion systems for medium- and heavy-duty electric, hybrid and full-cell commercial buses and trucks and heavy-duty on-road and off-road equipment. Ideanomics is solving the complexity of fleet electrification, offering fleet operators everything they need to electrify faster, easier and more affordably, all in one place.

About Ideanomics

Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX) is a global group with a simple mission: to accelerate the commercial adoption of electric vehicles. By bringing together vehicles and charging technology with design, implementation, and financial services, we provide solutions needed for the commercial world to commit to an EV future. To keep up with Ideanomics, please follow the company on social @ideanomicshq or visit .

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. All statements other than statements of historical fact included herein are "forward-looking statements." These forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects," or similar expressions, involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, and include the statement regarding the completion of the business combination within a certain period of time, if ever. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do involve assumptions, risks, and uncertainties, and these expectations may prove to be incorrect. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of risks and uncertainties, such as risks related to: our ability to obtain necessary regulatory approvals and other risks and uncertainties disclosed under the sections entitled "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in our most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and similar disclosures in subsequent reports filed with the SEC, which are available on the SEC website at All forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these risk factors. Other than as required under the securities laws, the Company does not assume a duty to update these forward-looking statements.

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